Town CourtTown Justice-April 11, 2023 - Kevin E. Fiske
Clerk: Heather Kish Court Constable: Dustin Anderson Phone: 315-389-5171 x1 Fax: 315-671-2828 BIO: Kevin grew up in North Lawrence, New York, and was raised on a farm of ten thousand chickens and one hundred and fifty sheep. He graduated from St. Lawrence Central in 1978. He then attended Potsdam State University for his undergraduate in English and Computer Science, also playing hockey for the NCAA Division III school. He worked at the Kraft plant in North Lawrence during the Summers, paying for his college. In 1983 Kevin was selected for the NY State Police Academy, successfully graduating in September 1983. He was stationed at SP Massena for 12 very eventful years before being promoted to the B.C.I. in 1995. After being assigned to SP Canton for one year, he transferred to the Narcotics Unit. Kevin retired from the SP in 2007. In 2008 he opened Hacker Sports, a hockey Pro shop in the Tri-town arena and remains in business today. After working as a Private Investigator for several years, he was a founding member of Black Horse Investigations and Security, also remaining in business today. Kevin was asked to become the Stockholm Town Constable, specifically Court security, in 2015, by the Honorable Wayne Williams. Kevin was recently approached by Judge Williams to take over the Court upon his retirement. In April of 2023, he was appointed T/Judge by the Stockholm T/Board. Kevin has lived in and served the Tri-Town area for his entire life. He lives on his 200-acre farm with his dog and 40 sheep, with his family close by. Court Clerk Hours: Labor Day to Memorial Day: Monday-Thursday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed daily from noon to 1 for lunch. Memorial Day to Labor Day: Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed daily from noon to 1 for lunch. Court Dates: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Payments accepted:
Anything over $66.00 - fee is 2.49% *If a defendant with a Vehicle and Traffic Ticket misses their court date without notifying the court, the court will issue ONE reminder letter and then if there is still no contact, the court will begin the suspension process 60 days after their 1st scheduled appearance. *Failure to pay fines in a timely matter will subject a defendant to a judgement being filed against your credit; or if warranted, a warrant will be issued on Criminal Cases! |
The Court Clerk and/or Judge is NOT ALLOWED by law to help in obtaining any forms or to help in filling them out. Forms can be found at a law library or online. You can call Diana Dufresne at the Justice & Law Center located at 256 Main Street, Massena, NY to obtain help in getting the forms. You may also call her at 315-769-2500 for any questions you may have. V&T Reductions on tickets If applying for a reduction (see the link below-under forms); contact the court to let them know you applying and need an adjournment. Before starting the reduction class, you will need a copy of your driver's abstract (or record) from the State you reside in and a copy of your ticket. You will need to upload both of those into the program. Failure to do that; will cease you from getting the reduction. DO NOT MAIL A NOT GUILTY PLEA TO THE COURT, IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A REDUCTION, AS THAT WILL TRIGGER THE COURT TO SET YOU FOR A NON JURY TRIAL (UNLESS THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING TO DO). Forms
Court scheduled for 11/6 has been rescheduled to 11/13 at 4:00 PM. |